Basic Level


A kite is a quadrilateral with two pairs of consecutive equal sides. Therefore, the kite diagonals are perpendicular.

How can we calculate the area of ​​a kite?

The application allows to reach the formula of the area of ​​a kite using the construction of a rectangle.

What is the relation between the area of the kite [ABCD] and the area of the rectangle [ACO”2O”1]?

The area of the kite [ABCD] is equal to the area of the rectangle [ACO”2O”1].

So what formula do we get for calculating the area of [ABCD]?

$$Area\ of\ the\ kite = d_1 \times {d_2 \over 2} = {d_1 \times d_2 \over 2},$$that is, the area of the kite is half the product of the lengths of its diagonals.