Basic Level
The application illustrates the well-known rule for determining the area of a regular polygon:
The area of a regular polygon is obtained by calculating half the product of its perimeter by the measure of its apothem.
Basic Level
The application illustrates the well-known rule for determining the area of a regular polygon:
The area of a regular polygon is obtained by calculating half the product of its perimeter by the measure of its apothem.
Elementary Gallery
Cavalieri’s principle
Elementary Gallery
Cavalieri’s principle
Elementary Gallery
The Calculus of Pi
Elementary Gallery
Area of a circle
Elementary Gallery
Area of a kite
Elementary Gallery
Area of a trapezium
Elementary Gallery
Area of a trapezium
Elementary Gallery
Area of a triangle
Elementary Gallery
Area of a triangle
Elementary Gallery
Area of a parallelogram
Elementary Gallery
Area of a rectangle
Hidden Pythagorean